Long Hanborough has over the past few years seen an increase in development of new homes in the village. In order to deal with the demand of new school places needed to support the arrival of new children to the village Oxfordshire County Council are proposing to expand the school.
As part of the Hanborough Manor Primary School expansion project, our Contractor, Morgan Sindall, will be carrying out a letter drop as part of the pre-application public consultation for the planning application which they will be submitting.
The County Council had intended to hold a public consultation meeting at the school as is more traditional, but due to the current public health issue relating to Covid-19 we are carrying this out as a letter drop with contact details for public queries.

Hanborough Manor School Project Summary

The proposed expansion of the school involves the demolition of the existing pre- school and reception classroom cabins and the construction of a new building with fiveclassrooms and supporting facilities. The new building will contain the Reception classroom, three Key Stag1 1 classrooms and one Key Stage 2 classroom. The kitchen is to be enlarged to cope with the increased pupil numbers and the school library is being relocated. The library acts as a connection point to the new building with a covered walkway from the entrance door. Enlarged hard play areas and a new games area will be provided. The school site will be enlarged toinclude the playing field and old park area to the south and this will then give the school ample space for grass pitch games and summer activities.
